Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Great Book Migration


I'm going to slowly go through all of the Chinese books I've purchased (not as many as you'd think!) and prepare to get rid of them -- probably in one big sale to Book House, a great store right near my office.

As a first step, I'll move the books a few at a time from my house to my office. Today is the first installment:

Xu Zhen 許慎 (d. 120 CE) and Xiang Shu 向夏, editor. Shuo wen jie zi bu shou jiang shu : Zhongguo wen zi xue dao lun 說文解字部首講疏 : 中國文字學導論 [The Shuowen jiezi, with commentary and annotations arranged by radicals: a guide to Chinese philology]. Taipei: Shulin chuban youxian gongsi, 1999.

Gao Zhengyi 高政一 and Wu Shaozhi 吳紹志, editors and translators. Xin yi gu wen guan zhi 新譯 古文觀止 [The Guwen guanzhi, a new translation]. Tainan: Xin shiji chubanshe, 1985. An old high-school edition with no ISBN and a no entry in the Worldcat. Kind of a nice relic of Taiwan's early post-martial-law period. I paid a dollar for this in a Taipei used bookstore, but it may not even have that much value these days.

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