Thursday, October 15, 2009

SWCAS 2009

Here's the presentation I'm planning to display tomorrow at my talk for the Southwest Conference on Asian Studies:

Sadly, I was not efficient enough to put together a clean, finished conference paper. Just as A. often says of himself, I was too lazy.

But as always when preparing to present at a conference, I feel a new burst of energy and productivity. I think what I learned this time around is that I need to pay attention to the action level of my mind, just as pay attention to my heart rate when I jog. And I need to keep the action of the mind high -- this will have me reading more and writing more, I hope.

One other thing: my presentation will actually be quite good I think. This partial paper, while not satisfactory in some senses, is actually a great start. The method that I see for writing is to select passages, come up with main idea sentences, and develop section headings practically all of the time. I'm still building towards the iterative process necessary to produce highly 'finished' work. More later on this.

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